Other Works


There is no such urge like the urge one receives when an outlet is discovered that invigorates the soul. I wish to lift into the air and allow my body to separate into colored particles that spread themselves every way possible, traveling for ions without stopping. There is so much to be seen in this world that you can spend 10 life time’s searching and never see it all.

In the United States it sometimes feels like you are in the only place that exists. You may start to believe that there is no magic, when everything is at your fingertips. This trip has reopened the idea and element of mystery and excitement in life. Life is so much deeper than they make you believe. It is vast, and the boxes that I thought were around me, are simply not there.

I used to believe that life was about getting a job, building assests, struggling to find a purpose and a place. Spending all your free time worrying about where you belong or what you want to do. It’s all a lie. All you need to do is travel anywhere and everywhere. Breathe in experience and all of that will come. Connections in humanities are not like any others. Everyone needs eachother and everyone is there to learn about things that MATTER. There are no falsities. There are just people who are trying to figure it out. Trying to learn. Trying to help.  Deep thinkers, deep feelers, deep workers. This is what I want right now. I don’t want normal. I want travel. I want pain. I want filth and struggle and happiness, everything in between.

I want voodoo and sand and grass and mountains and valleys. Homes made of wherever you can find. Stories that are impossible to understand, language. When is there time to worry about yourself when you are so awake to the immensity of the world? The world is so much bigger than us. There is no stress that comes along because with this I know it will work out because all you need is interest. Genuine interest. Genuine curiosity. Through connecting with others and visiting new places we can build with those who share our values and create a life that connects us to the world and gives us a cause. We can go anywhere and everywhere. All it takes is one idea and you are off on a journey that helps others and yourself.